photo of man sitting in front of people

Leading in the #METOO Era

In April 2018, Glamour magazine published an article, “Post-Weinstein, These Are the Powerful Men Facing Sexual Harassment Allegations.” The article referenced “legions of women” coming forward to share their #METOO stories of sexual harassment. With the recent news of allegations, convictions and the continued spotlight or sexual harassment, many companies are closely examining their work cultures, reiterating and reinforcing policy and requiring organization-wide training.

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Diverse people talking and having a meeting

EEO, AA, Diversity — What’s the Difference and Why Does It Matter?

You’ve probably heard someone ask, “Why should I care about workplace diversity when the government has already taken care of it with the Equal Employment Opportunity Act?” or “Why do we need diversity when we have affirmative action?” Keep reading to learn the differences and best practices of recruiting and hiring a diverse team.

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