Woman sharing her presentation with her colleagues

Overcoming Unconscious Bias

You can find it in every work environment, but most of us don’t see it. It interferes with good management decision-making, affecting everything from hiring, promotions, layoffs, and teambuilding to advertising, marketing, product development, and product placement. It impacts our thought processes and can cloud our judgment.

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photo of man sitting in front of people

Leading in the #METOO Era

In April 2018, Glamour magazine published an article, “Post-Weinstein, These Are the Powerful Men Facing Sexual Harassment Allegations.” The article referenced “legions of women” coming forward to share their #METOO stories of sexual harassment. With the recent news of allegations, convictions and the continued spotlight or sexual harassment, many companies are closely examining their work cultures, reiterating and reinforcing policy and requiring organization-wide training.

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Diverse people talking and having a meeting

EEO, AA, Diversity — What’s the Difference and Why Does It Matter?

You’ve probably heard someone ask, “Why should I care about workplace diversity when the government has already taken care of it with the Equal Employment Opportunity Act?” or “Why do we need diversity when we have affirmative action?” Keep reading to learn the differences and best practices of recruiting and hiring a diverse team.

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Colleagues looking at computer screen

Managing Generational Difference

I trained a group of leaders last week on Improving Work Relationships and Company Culture by Conquering Hidden Bias. During the workshop, we had a tangential discussion about generational differences in the workplace.  One leader felt that too much is being made about the challenges faced among generations — that we’ve always had multiple generations in the workforce and we’ve adjusted.  Read more

Photo of women watching through the ipad

Making Room for One More, A Simple Act of Micro-Inclusion

Organizations have learned that workforce diversity affords a competitive advantage when selling to diverse consumers. Businesses recognize that diversity in the workforce leads to more highly engaged teams and provides a better arena for innovation to occur. Companies also know that diversity alone isn’t the answer and that lasting workforce diversity doesn’t happen without creating environments where multiple cultures, ethnicities, genders, and abilities are welcomed, included, and respected.

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Woman sitting by window with laptop

Preparing for Workforce 2020

For at least 20 years, labor bureaus, demographers, census researchers, and statisticians have predicted the rise in population diversity and its impact on the workplace. Seeing the handwriting on the wall, proactive companies have already begun working toward diversifying their teams, and grappling with: Read more